It has been sometimes Rwandans listening to Joseph Matata , a leader of an organisation called CLIIR (which is headquartered in Belgium) through different radio stations and reading news platform .
This old man has been abusing Rwandan government and its leaders calling them shameful names since many years ago. His actions are not worthy of an old man like him especially since CLIIR which claims to fight against impunity and injustice supports some of Rwandans to revolt against government. Given this period where ICT are developing day to day his actions are getting to the next level, he uses it to send open letters to some defense sectors or to some government leaders privately.
The reason that made me write this and challenge his actions is because we aware that he opened a foundation that helps everyone who fights against Rwanda government and its programs.
This is well known and it is not his first time supporting such actions. Almost all of actions such as to abuse and to fight against Rwanda politics are supported by Matata Joseph, for instance he supported street vendors “Abazunguzayi” to do illegal business in prohibited places and this led to conflicts with security services personnel.
Also support on his behalf has gone towards people who are accused of different crimes such as Karasira Aimable, Idamange Yvonne, Cyuma Hassan, Abdoul Rachid, etc. Moreover, his assistant in the organization “CLIIR” Komeza Marius used Niyonsenga Dieudonne known as Cyuma Hassan’s pictures as his profile picture on Twitter.
Matata’s actions do not stop with supporting people who are fighting against Rwandan government but includes also supporting them to escape the country. Most of them are accused of different crimes such as working hand in hand with the Rwandan exiled opposition, spreading misinformation used to tarnish Rwandan government image in the foreign countries; for instance, Manirakiza Pascal who worked hand in hand with FDLR.
This man was heard for the first time where he was a refugee in Uganda looking for asylum in 2013. He spoke to international radio BBC saying how Rwandan Intelligence wanted to kill him while in he used to live in Uganda. Manirakiza did this intentionally in order to go to Europe and achieved his intention in 2016 with support from CLIIR lead by Matata Joseph and UNHCR that helped him to find asylum in Sweden and he didn’t stop his actions of fighting Rwandan government until now.
There is also Nshimiyimana Jean, who was arrested at the beginning of 2014 and was released temporary because the investigations were still ongoing. It has been found that he was working hand in hand with some of the people in CLIIR and he was being told some untrue news to humiliate the Rwandan government. Without delaying, he managed to escape the country in 2021 claiming RPF wanted to kill him and has gone to France (Mayotte) where he would be living closer to people who fight against the government of Rwanda, and most of these people live in European countries because they are accused of participating in different crimes. In addition, the act of fighting the Rwandan government is a sort of revenge to them.
Who is Matata ?

Matata Joseph is one of the most known among Rwandans in Belgium. In Rwanda the former member of the human rights organization ARDHO was led by Nkubito JMV, and Byabarumwanzi François a Congolese mining worker in Rwinkwavu.
He first worked for BNR, after studying at COK (College Officiel de Kigali, in Mburabuturo), and later became the University Rwanda (Gikondo Campus). Matata, who was later expelled from the BNR, immediately decided to leave Kigali and settle on a farm in Kayonza.
Matata is a person who can be transformed in a moment, In 1990, the Inkotanyi attacked, imprisoned in accomplices, and became outraged by the Habyarimana regime. He later joined the ARDHO community, becoming an activist in the opposition.
MATATA, like others who could not bear the aftermath of the Genocide, took the road to Belgium, declaring, “I am a refugee human being.” Like so-called foreign Hutu opposition, the main point is Genocide Denial in what they called “Double Genocide” .
MATATA is Founder of “Centre de Lutte contre l’Impunité et Injustice au Rwanda (CLIIR), through which these ideas, and the demands of money. This Matata is the one who said that the genocide that had killed Rwandans is still going on.!
Eric Bertrand
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