The March 23 Movement ,deplores the bombing of a herd of cows in the locality of Kilorirwe in Masisi territory this Saturday.
In a message issued by the military spokesperson of the M23 this Sunday, Major Willy Ngoma ,regrets the indiscriminate bombing of the FARDC on Kilorirwe through heavy artillery and the air fleet, Bombings which only target the civilian population and their property.
Despite the notorious blunders of the FARDC, the M23 reaffirms its commitment to fully protect the population in all localities placed under its control, and to continue to defend itself professionally.
The message from Major Willy Ngoma follows another press release from the same Movement relayed on social networks, reporting 12 cows killed on Saturday in the bombings of the FARDC Sukoi-25 plane.
The Congolese army, has been using its air fleet recently to drop bombs on Kilorirwe, a locality conquered by the M23 for more than two weeks, after having chased out the FARDC, the Burundian soldiers, the Wazalendo coalition and the FDLR.
However, the FARDC is not giving in since it continues to carry out futile air operations there, and recently a reconnaissance drone was destroyed in action by the M23. It is indeed a strategic location that should not be lost to the adversary.