As the Genocide is being carried out in tDRC against the Kinyarwanda-speaking Congolese of the Tutsi tribe,there are again sad pictures of one of the Congolese Tutsi who was killed in the middle of the road, his body being mocked by the people.
It is a video that appeared on social media , confirms that in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tutsi are being subjected to genocide.
This video, shows the dead body of a Congolese Tutsi man who was killed in the middle of the street, some residents would come and beat the body ,other cutting it using machetes.
This led to a renewed appeal to the international community that genocide is being committed against the Congolese Tutsi, and that it should stop and condemn this massacre.
This genocide, is being carried out while the M23 group is fighting the Congolese army (FARDC) in collaboration with numerous rebel groups including the FDLR which was established by those who participated in the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda that killed more than a million .
This rebel group, is fighting for the rights of these Congolese, saying that it will never tolerate these acts of killing Tutsi in , and that it will continue to fight to stop the genocide that is being carried out against Tutsi in DRC