Violent clashes between M23 and FARDC have killed 80 elements in government troop, leaving 10,000 civilians fleeing in Uganda.
In Voice of America radio interview, Kisoro District Mayor,Abel Bizimana said the M23 militants were following the strike ahead the Bunagana border. The Mayor of Kisoro also said that the refugees have fled to their territory where they were received in Schools and Churches.
The Rwandatribune informer in Bunagana City says that all parts of Sabyinyo Volcano have been invaded by M23 militants, FARDC troops are fleeing the war, and things are getting worse.
One of the leaders of the Rutshuru Civil Society, who did not want to be named for security reasons, said more than 60 government soldiers had died on the spot including Senior Officer of Colonel rank.
Both M23 and Royal Armies has no one to monitor the city of Bunagana “every side was afraid to enter the City” Civil Society Mentions.
Currently Seized Fire guns and heavy weapon are still heard in the region of Bunagana City near the Uganda Border.
Neither the FARDC nor the M23 side were to justify or disapprove of this, with the exception of a statement issued by the North Kivu Provincial Authority accusing the RDF forces to support the M23, but Western Province’s Governor Francois Habitegeko other side denied allegation in his Written Statement released on this Tuesday morning.